Hopefully my little fellow will grow up to be a good man. But for now he is my silly, carefree, life of the house,3 year old.
Wearing his sister's sunglasses and LSU t-shirt. Once a week he snatches something.
A rare kiss for his sister, this occurs maybe every full moon.

tearing apart his room, he does this many, many times a day!

Playing cops and robbers or has some sort of weapon.

Playing hard to get, he loves being chased by his sister's older friends.
Helping with the errands, I am so lucky....
Making funny faces, I love this so much!
Another Spiderman t-shirt. Do you know how hard it is to find these.

Pushing the limits, hitting mommy while she is on the computer.

And thanks to his sister, he is styling his chucks too.