
Thursday, February 25, 2010

I am in the mood for.....

Painting! One good thing about all this really cold weather, we've been having is that I have been able to stay inside where it is nice and toasty to paint. I have removed 25 drywall screws and repaired the holes with many more to go. I am currently painting my daughter's room a really pretty purple color I will be sure to post those pictures soon. There are two walls in her room that are 13 ft high so I am risking life and limb to stand on a 10 ft ladder and balance the paint on the step to paint a room. Is there something wrong with me? I think living on base with plain white walls has caused me to want to add some color everywhere that I can. Below is some pictures I took of rooms that I have already painted.

Master Bedroom after picture


it was very plain yellow beige shade, there were about 6 holes in this room to repair.

I chose a blue-green color that is very soothing, now I just have to start hanging some pictures on the wall.

This is the kids bath this was taken while I was painting I don't have any before. So try to imagine a green bathroom with those really cheap towel fixtures and brass everywhere.

The color I chose was light blue and I changed all the towel rods and hooks but, maybe in a few months I won't have any more brass in here.

And I still have to finish hanging pictures

This is my laundry room it was a plain white and dirty.

I chose a really fun color in here I don't think the pictures really give it justice but the color is called Bleached Cypress and it's very bright.