My brother and mom
I live with regret sometimes, I wish I would have finished college while I was still young. Now that I am a older I am going back to school and it is going to be a lot harder. I should have gone and finished when I was supposed to. But, at least I have not lost my dream of one day having my degree. All you people out there, finish school before you start a family, it is much easier. Despite it all, I'm looking forward to school, I love shopping for school supplies, and registering for my classes. Saying "I have to do my homework, can you get the kids out of here"is another perk. Wish me luck.
I also have regret about little things like: I should have learned to sew, when my daughter was a baby, I could have made her the cutest clothes. I wish we would have gone to some LSU games, while we lived in Louisiana. I regret buying a jet ski instead of a boat. But I guess everyone lives with some regret in there lives.
Recently, my mom begged me to make a trip to visit my brother in Massachusetts, and we could all meet up there. I have not seen my mom since Christmas and with my husband not home it would have been a great distraction. But, like I always do, I talked myself out of it with various excuses like: I have to carry the car seat, stroller, drive to the airport, hope we get off on time delays at the airport, and many more reasons why I should not go. So my mom understood and she went to visit my brother and she had a great time. She has always lived in the south like Louisiana, and Texas and she has come to visit us a few times here in North Carolina but she had never been up north. She loved it! Everything about it was great, the best part was no HEAT and she and my brother did some site seeing. They went to Martha's Vineyard, Rhode Island, and my brother took her up for a plane ride. He has been taking lessons, and they went up with his instructor. So I really regret not going on that trip but, I have promised to save my pennies and we will go next year. Above are some the pictures that she took on her trip. I have some more I will post them later Blogger is giving me trouble.
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