We've had this slip n slide for over a year and this is the first time the kids have taken it out.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Ready for fall
I really like summer but enough is enough! I am ready for some nice days that I can take Brody to the park without him burning himself on the slide. Days that I can open the windows, no more bugs and flys. September is just around the corner and I hope that means cooler weather. Here are some pictures of the kids playing in the water the only relief that they get in the middle of the day.
Best part of the Day!
We went shopping today at a "real mall" our town has a small mall that consist of about 10 shoe stores and a Belks', Sears, and JCPenny. So about once every other blue moon we drive up to Raleigh a whole hour away and go to the mall. We don't go very often because I know that when we go there will be a lot of money spent. And there's always a lot of walking back and forth pushing a stroller that almost always never fits in the small aisle in every store. Then there is the teenager that wants to go in every store! I sure miss the shopping days when I could be as selfish as I wanted and only bought things for me. Not to mention I was about 5 sizes smaller and there was no need to try anything on.... it just fit.
So after a long day of shopping and dragging the kids in and out of dressing rooms you would think the best part of the day would be a long hot bath for me. But actually its when my little boy says "mom I'm ready for my bath" because that means he is ready for bed! And that is now my favorite part of the day when I get a couple of hours of time for just me.

So after a long day of shopping and dragging the kids in and out of dressing rooms you would think the best part of the day would be a long hot bath for me. But actually its when my little boy says "mom I'm ready for my bath" because that means he is ready for bed! And that is now my favorite part of the day when I get a couple of hours of time for just me.
Splish Splash
I was taking a bath
Sunday, August 16, 2009
This butterfly has been on my butterfly bush everyday for over a week. At least I think it's the same one. I finally got a couple of pictures, I love my new camera. I have a hummingbird flying around the house hopefully I can get a picture of it soon. Until then I will just enjoy taking pictures of my butterflies.

Easy sewing project
Jack and The Beanstalk
Missoula Children's Theatre recently came to our town, and put on Jack and the Beanstalk. Sydney and another girl were assistant directors. They found out that they were both huge Harry Potter nerds, Sydney has made a very good friend. I am so proud of her she got up early all week and stayed for half the day. She had to learn everyone's lines and helped work the lights and props. The play was really cute, if you ever get a chance to have your child participate in this theatre it is a great experience. They travel around the world putting on different plays and they provide the props, and costumes.
This is Sydney and her new friend being silly
most of the cast and crew
Monday, August 10, 2009
Fire Hydrant
What a rare treat, to have the fire hydrant opened up and let the kids go crazy. Brody had such a good time playing, that as soon as he got dressed he fell asleep in the doorway. Oh, to be a kid again they are so lucky.
Brody and his partner in crime get ready to hit the street.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Favorite pictures
I have been playing with my new camera and these are some of the pictures that I liked. I don't usually like taking pictures of myself but, I like these, I think Brody looks so cute.
This one was before church last week
This one was before church last week
Ditto on this one too.
I made this little top for my friend Amy's little girl, Lynley. It is the first thing that I have ever made as a gift. I hope I get a picture of her wearing it soon.
This is Brody at the zoo and I love that crazy look on his face. He makes it all the time and now I have proof.
Zoo Trip
This week we went to the Asheboro zoo and we had a great time. It was a little hot but we made the best of it. Anytime you go to the zoo there is always some animals that you don't get to see because they are sleeping and I can't say that I blame them. Sydney invited her friend to come with us and I am so glad that she came she kept Sydney from being BORED!
This chimp was great, he sat right by the window and copied a women's actions that was sitting right in front of him. The girls really liked this but Brody was not impressed.
One of the ugliest birds I have ever seen.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
It's finally here!
My new camera is finally here, I can't believe that I waited this long to get one. I just bought my first SLR and my first Nikon. I am no expert and not really trying to be. I just wanted a camera that would take great pictures of my family. I am taking a photography class this semester, to learn all that I can about my new toy.
Could not resist photos of our fish
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