We went shopping today at a "real mall" our town has a small mall that consist of about 10 shoe stores and a Belks', Sears, and JCPenny. So about once every other blue moon we drive up to Raleigh a whole hour away and go to the mall. We don't go very often because I know that when we go there will be a lot of money spent. And there's always a lot of walking back and forth pushing a stroller that almost always never fits in the small aisle in every store. Then there is the teenager that wants to go in every store! I sure miss the shopping days when I could be as selfish as I wanted and only bought things for me. Not to mention I was about 5 sizes smaller and there was no need to try anything on.... it just fit.
So after a long day of shopping and dragging the kids in and out of dressing rooms you would think the best part of the day would be a long hot bath for me. But actually its when my little boy says "mom I'm ready for my bath" because that means he is ready for bed! And that is now my favorite part of the day when I get a couple of hours of time for just me.
Splish Splash
I was taking a bath

Long about a Saturday night

Oh boy! How my Saturday nights have changed.
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