I've been taking a long break from blogging this summer but I am finally back and I have a lot of catching up to do. It's back to school time again, and here in our home we have a couple of first timers. Sydney is starting high school at a new school and Brody has started preschool. It's been pretty exciting, Brody got some new shoes, clothes, and the all important superhero book bag. So far the kids really like school Sydney has joined a couple of clubs and has already squeezed money out of me for club fees. And Brody missed class pictures because he's already been sick and missed a couple days of school. Most importantly they seem to be adjusting well and I have so much time during the day I don't know what to do with myself.
I've decided to start looking for work unfortunately this is not the best of time because the economy is not so great, it may take a long to find something but I will eventually land on my feet somewhere.
Sydney first day of high school. Where did the time go?
I was so proud of him, he went right into his classroom gave me a kiss and said " I'm gonna be alright mama."
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