
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Extreme Couponing

There's a new show on TLC called Extreme Couponing, I was really looking forward to watching it however it was kind of a disappointment. These people are too extreme, they are dumpster diving, stealing off people's steps, and buying unnecessary items just because it's on sale. One woman has bought cat food and has no cat! Another woman buys diapers for a baby she doesn't have and another bought about 100 candy bars. Who needs 100 candy bars? Anyway I did happen to see The Krazy Koupon Lady on The Nate Show and learned a lot by going to her website. I found out things like: I can use 2 coupons on buy one get one free sales, and that I can use both a manufacture coupon and a store coupon for one item.  And I didn't even know that Target had online coupons and that each week they have promotions that let you can earn $5.00 gift cards. I've been going to different sites to find out what on sale and how people are getting things for almost free or free by combining coupons with sales. I've been going to websites for products that I like and getting free coupons. Thankfully, my mom has two jobs and one of them is at a newspaper distribution center so a couple weeks out of the month, she sends me free coupons that are left over. I even bought a baseball card holder, to keep my coupons in but I don't think it's wise to buy so much that I clean the shelves or spend money to save money. I only buy what I know I am going to use and so far I like it. I been able to get toothpaste for either free or .49 cents each, I haven't paid full price for soap, shampoo, conditioner, dish soap, razor's, detergent and lotions. I've also been able to save between $10 and $20 each time I go to the grocery store. Oh yeah! I learning how to play this game and I am using my saving for other things.

Go to fullsize image

Image: Tiffany Ivanovsky shopping with her family

I'd hate to be behind these people at the checkout.

On a recent trip to Rite Aid I found this shampoo and conditioner on sale for 2.49 each and I had 2-2 dollar coupons so I got these for just .49 each and the trail mix was on sale for $1.00 each.

On another trip to Target they had a special on these Venus razors for $9.89 each and if you bought 2 they gave you a $5 gift card. To my surprise they were on sale at my Target for $7.89 each and I had 2-$5.00 coupons which means I paid $2.89 each and after my $5.00 gift card I ended up paying .78 cents for both. The soup was on sale for .60 cents each I had a buy 3 save $1.00 coupon. The shampoo was on clearance, I used both a Target coupon and a manufactures coupon and paid around $1.50 for both and the chips were also on sale and I had a Target coupon. That was a great trip and I couldn't believe how little I spent that day. I'm hooked, now if only we had a grocery store that doubled coupons in this town I'd be all set.

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