
Monday, July 1, 2013

A House.....A Home

We finally found a house to rent, there was not a big selection when we were looking. We felt a lot of pressure to find a home quickly.  We managed to find a cute home in a nice neighborhood. I really wanted the charming English home with wooden beams but those homes have bad energy ratings. I found out that in England all the homes are energy rated and unless I want to freeze to death in the winter we had to find one with newer windows and appliances. Not to mention that utilities are very expensive in this country. 

The downside to this home is that all the fixtures and everything in the home is straight out of an Ikea catalog, not old and charming. Oh well! I guess I'll have to buy my own charming antiques to fill it. My neighbors have been very nice and we love the area. Most importantly, we are happy, just waiting on our belongings to arrive  and with a little organization we'll be all set. 

Isn't it cute?

This is a CLOSET... True story

At least the kitchen is nice

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