A few weekends ago we took a trip to Sherwood Forest for the annual Robin Hood Festival and had a good time. When I was kid my siblings and I watched Disney's Robin Hood all the time, and now Brody watches it all the time. I never imagined that I would ever be in the real Sherwood Forest, in Nottingham. The actual forest was beautiful and seems like a good place to hide out.
This is a statue of Robin Hood and Little John
We had to bribe Brody to get him to join the other kids, and then he just stared at his instrument.
These guys were really funny, they made us put on hats and made us say "Robin Hooooood!"
This is Major Oak, it is supposedly the tree where Robin Hood and his Merry Men's sought shelter. But mostly it's between 800 to 1000 years old which makes it pretty cool.
Bird show was pretty cool except for all the dead mice he kept throwing in the air.
Brody got a Robin Hood sword, and of course he got into character.
Robin Hood and Maid Marian stopped to pose and Brody was lucky enough to get a picture.
Sherwood Forrest has some pretty interesting trees and we stopped to let Brody play since this chance may never happen again.
Playing in the trees made us a little late for the final show and so we had to make the best of our view.
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