
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fishing for dogs

A couple of weekends ago Mick took Brody to a kids fishing derby on base and he was so excited. Brody caught a total of 3 fish but only reeled in one. Each time he caught a fish they would weigh it and then put it in a bucket. Anyone that passed by would be forced to look at them. He made sure to say that they were his fish, it was really cute. I don't suggest bringing a puppy fishing, our silly dog eventually fell in the water, he is not a very good swimmer but he managed to stay on top long enough for me to grab him. Louie was a big hit before we left everyone knew his name, and Brody loved showing him off. I think it will be a while before we try fishing again, he is not the most patient fisherman.

Brody found his beach hat

concentrating on the water

Momma was so proud, he caught a good one.

As soon as Micky would throw out his line Brody would start reeling it in.

annoying dog

Packed up and ready to go

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