
Friday, August 1, 2014

Getting the last bit in.

In a few more weeks things will never be the same again. My kids will be separated and they won't see each other on a daily basis. So these next few weeks we are going to try and get the very last bit of family time we can.

This pretty girl is off to college soon and our house will never be the same again.

We visited the Abbey gardens in Bury St Edmunds. I love coming here, it's so pretty and peaceful.

Perhaps one day, I'll come on a Sunday and attend mass.

We forgot to bring bread for the ducks but they still came close, to check us out.


 Trying not to cry when I think of them being separated for several months at a time.

 I love coming to Bury on the weekends, it's when I really feel like we are living in an England. There are so many shops and things to try at the market.

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